Julia Straface
Film editor and visual arts projects.
Trained at ENERC, her most recent works include the films Norita; Roberto Polaco Goyeneche, the forms of the night; Bahía Blanca; A Girl's Band; Dogs of the End of the World and Algo Fayó.
For her work in the documentaries Km 5203 and A Girl's Band she received EDA Awards for Best Editing at the FIDBA and Escenario festivals, respectively.
Among her works for the world of visual arts are the editing of 3 feature films by the artist Adrián Villar Rojas, exhibited in international biennials.
She participated in the Editing Studio of the Berlinale Talent Campus. She was secretary of SAE during the period 2021-2023. Furthermore, she is a professor of Editing at the UNA (National University of the Arts) and has taught at the EICTV in Cuba.